[SciPy-dev] numarray weave commit? weave maintainer?

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu_r at users.sf.net
Fri Sep 9 16:25:04 EDT 2005

>>>>> "Todd" == Todd Miller <jmiller at stsci.edu> writes:

    Todd> I have a patch for weave for numarray which passes all of
    Todd> the default self-tests.  In doing my final checkout, I
    Todd> noticed that weave.test(level=10) has some errors and
    Todd> eventually segfaults... for Numeric.  This was on RHEL3 with
    Todd> Python-2.4.1.

    Todd> Is anyone actively maintaining weave?  Does anyone have a
    Todd> problem with me committing changes which enable numarray to
    Todd> pass weave.test() even though the level=10 tests are still
    Todd> showing problems for both numarray and Numeric?

Well, I do use weave for some of my work and do try to keep the swig
and vtk spec code in shape but do not maintain the core.  I think Eric
would know more about the tests and why they fail.  However, I suspect
that he is submerged with too much work.

weave.test() itself passes for me but like you I get errors and a
segfault with level=10.  I suspect that tests for like the wx_spec
will not pass with the new versions of wxPython.  So I am not sure if
all the tests are supposed to pass at all.

I would say go ahead and check in the stuff to get weave working with
numarray while passing weave.test().  If you break any of our code I'm
sure we will holler. :)


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