[SciPy-dev] Status of LiveDocs?

Travis Oliphant oliphant at ee.byu.edu
Wed Jun 15 23:25:44 EDT 2005

Joe Cooper wrote:

> Tom Loredo wrote:
>> Hi folks-
>> What is the status of LiveDocs?  I have two summer students who
>> I am introducing to Python & SciPy, and they are finding documentation
>> to be an obstacle.  I've been trying to access LiveDocs via the
>> Documentation Home page for a few days now, with no luck.  I was
>> hoping they might find LiveDocs to be helpful....
> Travis Oliphant was maintaining the server on which the LiveDocs were 
> available, but it seems to be down.  I am in the midst of migrating 
> SciPy.org to a new server (it's taking a lot longer than 
> anticipated...the old system developed by accretion over several years 
> and is a bit hard to pull apart and put back together on another box 
> (without bringing all of the current problems of the old system over 
> to the new system), and I plan to setup some form of documentation 
> browser.    That should occur in a day or two.
BYU just implemented a new IP policy and removed my machine (which was 
hosting the livedocs site) from the web.  I've applied for a visible IP 
address, but it does not work yet.

You can run livedocs on any machine with twisted python, nevow, and 
scipy installed.  The code for livedocs is in scipy cvs under util/livedocs

The README file there has information about it.   You need a nobody 
account with a home directory (see livedocs.tac) for details.

> I'm sure Travis is reading, so if the livedoc server can be brought 
> back online, I imagine he'll do so.  If not, I'll see if he can send 
> me some pointers on how he set his up so I can replicate it on the new 
> system.

Hopefully, these pointers will let anyone run livedocs.

For now, livedocs is running at http://www.tramy.us:8081

Joe can link there or bring up his own livedocs on the new site.


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