[SciPy-dev] Suggest Trac instead of Plone

Robert Kern rkern at ucsd.edu
Wed Aug 31 20:30:36 EDT 2005

Tim Cera wrote:
> Hello,
> As I am just starting to use sci-py in a serious way, the topic of how a 
> casual developer could help out with patches or features has been a concern 
> of mine.  I put this comment on the Plone wiki, which has gone unanswered.   
> I have made other suggestions on the wiki, hopeful for some discussion, but 
> nothing.

By and large, active discussion happens here while semi-permanent (but
still fluid) information goes up on the Wiki.

> In looking around at wikis for our intranet (for various reasons I chose 
> moinmoin) I saw an intriguing system seemingly ideal for software 
> development.  It is called Trac (http://www.edgewall.com/trac/).  Since the 
> recent conversion to Subversion, it might be an ideal solution. 

Enthought is using Trac for the rest of its projects. I'm sure that a
Trac instance for Scipy is on its way. I think there are still some
kinks in the way multiple projects are being hosted, but they're being
worked out using ipython as the guinea pig.

> Trac is also written in Python, and has an intergrated wiki, issue management, 
> and Subversion viewer.
> I would also encourage moving to a forum type communication rather than 
> mailing lists. 

I grew up with USENET and mailing lists, so personally, I hate web
forums. Fortunately, with GMane the people who hate mailing lists can
get a web interface if they so prefer. Does that satisfy your desire for
"forum type communication?"


Robert Kern
rkern at ucsd.edu

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
  -- Richard Harter

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