[SciPy-dev] Subversion migration complete

Joe Cooper joe at enthought.com
Mon Aug 8 02:25:12 EDT 2005

Hi all,

I've just completed the long-threatened migration of all of the scipy 
CVS repositories to Subversion on the new server.  All future work will 
be done in the Subversion repositories.

Here are the repository paths:

http://svn.scipy.org/svn/chaco-1.0/ (Historical only.  Do not use.)
http://svn.scipy.org/svn/kiva-1.0/ (Historical only.  Do not use.)
http://svn.scipy.org/svn/traits-1.0/ (Historical only.  Do not use.)

All but the scipy repository have questionable lineage--i.e., either I 
don't know what they are used for or who is maintaining them (PyCrust, 
agg2, fftw_win32, freetype2) or I know that they are not being 
maintained and will never be maintained in their current form and 
shouldn't be used under any circumstance I can think of (chaco, kiva, 
traits which are part of the Enthought OSS tool suite and now live at 
http://code.enthought.com or xml_installer which is currently 
unmaintained, but some of it will find its way into the Enthon project 
before too long).  The repositories existed on the old scipy.org, and so 
they came on over to the new scipy.org.  I welcome input about what the 
repositories that are unknown to me actually are.  freetype2 is a double 
mystery in that there were two freetype2 CVS repositories...if you are 
in a position to know whether I got the right one, I'd appreciate a note 
to that effect.

Commit privileges will be restored in the next hour or so.  If you find 
by tomorrow that you no longer have commit privileges to repositories 
that you work on, please let me know.  I'm sure people will get missed 
during this process, as security is much tighter on the new server, and 
not all users on the old server are coming over.

Please let me know if you see any problems in the migrated repositories.

Documentation on the website will be updated shortly to reflect the changes.

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