[SciPy-dev] MCMC, Kalman Filtering, AI for SciPy?

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu
Fri Oct 1 12:12:33 EDT 2004

Joe Cooper schrieb:
> Fernando Perez wrote:
>>eric jones wrote:
>>>Hmmm.  So here is the main thing I see that needs to be fixed from 
>>>this email... why the heck aren't you a committer??  I thought you 
>>>already had commit access.
>>>I will ask Joe to add you to the list (whether you want to or not :-)
>>Well, I actually might be, I'm not sure.  I have commit access 
>>(obviously) to ipython's directory in scipy's CVS.  That may or may not 
>>give me access to the rest of scipy, I just don't know how things are 
>>set up.  I was also a bit hesitant, but with your approval, I'll go 
>>ahead in the future (once things are confirmed working).
>>Thanks  (or not, I'm not sure it's a good thing for my already 
>>non-existent free time :)
> Hi Fernando,
> You've always had access to commit to scipy (or at least since I setup 
> ipython).  Let me know if you have any problems.

Great, many thanks.  I guess I was OK all along, sorry for the bother.



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