[SciPy-dev] ipython in enthon

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu
Thu Nov 11 01:23:33 EST 2004

Joe Cooper wrote:

> Ok, so I spoke too soon.  Removing the windows specific bits at the end 
> of setup.py solved all of my problems.  Prefix works, no hang on build, 
> and nothing gets installed anywhere else on the system.  So the 
> postinstall just needs to be optional, and all will be well.

Good!  Let me know if you want me to patch setup.py in a permanent way to make 
this simpler in the future.  As long as it doesn't break the simple 
double-click-on-setup.py routine for regular users of the zip distro, I'd be 
glad to do it.

If at some point one of you guys can figure out how to build a proper windows 
installer which actually works for ipython, I'd love to know :)



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