[SciPy-dev] ipython in enthon

Joe Cooper joe at enthought.com
Thu Nov 11 01:17:02 EST 2004

Joe Cooper wrote:
> Fernando Perez wrote:
>> You might find some of this useful if you need to build a true 
>> installer.  If you get this to work, let me know what changes you made 
>> and I'll toss them into CVS.
> Hey Fernando,
> I'm down to iPython now as the last remaining piece of the puzzle before 
> I roll up a new test installer of Enthon.
> Here's the problems I've run into:
> setup.py doesn't respect prefix (at least on Windows--I haven't built an 
> RPM on Linux yet to find out how it behaves elsewhere), so it dumps 
> everything into my system default Python.  Not ideal for packaging.
> The pythonwin stuff needs to be able to be disabled from the command 
> line.  It installs a bunch of bits on the local machine, which is 
> destructive to the build environment.  We can setup the shortcuts and 
> such in the enthon installation routines.
> It hangs at the build phase, for some unknown reason, seemingly at or 
> near the end, because lots of stuff does actually get built.  I'll have 
> to dig a bit to see what's happening there.  It could be related to the 
> win32all installation, as it's installer freaked out in a weird way as 
> well, and refused to overwrite a file because python was running 
> (clearly--python was doing the install!).

Ok, so I spoke too soon.  Removing the windows specific bits at the end 
of setup.py solved all of my problems.  Prefix works, no hang on build, 
and nothing gets installed anywhere else on the system.  So the 
postinstall just needs to be optional, and all will be well.

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