[SciPy-dev] gsl and scipy

Chuck Harris Chuck.Harris at sdl.usu.edu
Fri May 3 08:32:29 EDT 2002


> -----Original Message-----
> From: arnd.baecker at physik.uni-ulm.de
> [mailto:arnd.baecker at physik.uni-ulm.de]
> Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 3:47 AM
> To: scipy-dev at scipy.org
> Subject: [SciPy-dev] gsl and scipy
> Hi,
> what is the opinion on including (or making accessible)
> the functionality of gsl
> (http://sources.redhat.com/gsl/) within scipy ?

Interesting. I downloaded the sources and took a look at some of the routines.
Mixed quality, IMNSHO, and I don't always agree with the design choices ---
but then, any two people would probably disagree on such issues. I think my
divided difference routines are significantly better, for instance, giving
eight extra digits of accuracy for some problems. 

These routines might be a good starting point, and gsl does seem
to provide a comprehensive list of useful software.


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