[scikit-image] A request for more frequent releases

Mark Harfouche mark.harfouche at gmail.com
Sun Sep 9 14:52:41 EDT 2018

I don't know if you are still using "projects" on github to track these
meta issues.

I think this one seems quite appropriate.


I think we have identified a pain points that need to be addressed and

1. Streamline the wheel building process.
2. Streamline building docs
3. Better testing 32bit linux (this seems quite important at least for the
ARM community)
4. Streamline the release notes.
5. Streamline the versioning.
6. Streamline the contribution notes generation.
7. Choosing the frequency of the releases.

I would like to an other discussion point:
8. Rethinking how often we backport to 0.14.X.

On Sun, Sep 9, 2018 at 3:55 AM Juan Nunez-Iglesias <jni at fastmail.com> wrote:

> Mark,
> > I posted it here as it seems that these organizational changes are
> discussed more on here than on github.
> Yes, the mailing list is definitely a good place for discussions, and I
> did not mean to suggest that you posted it to the wrong place! But, once we
> have a concensus on something needing to be done, which I think we do here,
> GitHub is the place. As to the roadmap issue, the reason I suggested it is
> that a major part of the roadmap is to improve the contribution experience
> for everyone. The points you raise in that regard, that someone might be
> demotivated to contribute because their contributions take forever to make
> it into a release, are thus very relevant to the roadmap.
> > A monthly release cycle is fine, but as is, I think it is too much work
> to expect from people "donating" their time.
> Note that I am not suggesting monthly with the current release process,
> I'm suggesting monthly with a new and improved process. =)
> Nathaniel,
> > There are tools like 'towncrier' to avoid merge conflicts in the release
> notes.
> > That avoids merge conflicts in the release notes, because every
> > release only has one change :-)
> This seems too frequent for me. =)
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