watershed algorithm for segmentation

Ronnie Ghose ronnie.ghose at gmail.com
Thu Apr 3 09:30:46 EDT 2014

yes image refers to  n-d array of it's data.

typical usages: 2d for greyscale, 3d for rgb, 4d and up for further
annotated data such as fMRIs.

On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 5:46 AM, <amitbhatkal12 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I was trying to segment a greyscale 8 bit image using the watershed
> algorithm present in skimage.morphology but I am confused as to what should
> I provide as inputs to the watershed().
> Can anyone please help me in this regard.
> This is what I gathered from the documentation.
> *image: ndarray (2-D, 3-D, ...) of integers* :
> Data array where the lowest value points are labeled first.
> *markers: ndarray of the same shape as `image`* :
> An array marking the basins with the values to be assigned in the label
> matrix. Zero means not a marker. This array should be of an integer type.
> Here "image" refers to original image or something else?
> How do I obtain the markers ?
> Thank you
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