scikits-image 0.4 release

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at
Mon Dec 5 05:20:30 EST 2011

On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 1:50 AM, Emmanuelle Gouillart
<emmanuelle.gouillart at> wrote:
> Very cool :-). I was very excited to talk about the new release during my
> talk at Scipy India (a few hours ago), thanks for the opportunity to
> advertise the release!

Thanks for mentioning the package during your talk; much appreciated!
I hope you're having a good time at the conference, and I'm sorry I
can't be there to sprint along.

> During questions, I was asked if during the sprint, it would be possible
> to contribute to the Debian/Ubuntu packaging. I don't know the status of
> the packaging, and if something could be done to help with the packaging.
> What should I answer to the person who asked about packaging?

Absolutely!  The biggest problem at the moment is that the package
needs to be scanned carefully, and the (Debian) license file update
accordingly.  Furthermore, the package needs to be changed to handle
the module rename to skimage.  Then we also need a man page for scivi,
the image viewer.  See this PR for a summary:

The latest Debian package files are kept here:

I'd be really happy if someone could help with this, so that we can
get 0.4 included in Debian (and hopefully in time for the next Ubuntu


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