Color spaces

Nicolas Pinto nicolas.pinto at
Fri Jul 2 12:11:00 EDT 2010

Hey Chris,

I wonder if you would be interested in seeing more color space
> conversions being added to the module, or if you are
> deliberately keeping it simple? For instance, I would like to add
> conversions to and from CIE LAB, and to allow alternative white
> points.

+1 on more color conversions!

> I'm also interested in seeing conversions to and from human cone LMS
> spaces available somewhere for SciPy users. I'm not sure whether or
> not this kind of thing would be appropriate for scikits.image.

LMS is definitely interesting. We also have some code around to reproduce
other human-like color spaces (e.g. opponent space from Itti & Walther, see
Walther's PhD Thesis, Appendix A.2, as well as all the
color spaces used in Geusebroek & van de Sande (as in Would you be interested in these? I'll be happy to
add them too.

Please feel free to contribute any color space you'd like, possibly using
Cython if you need speed.




> I thought I should first post a short message about this before
> starting anything. I'm aware that the SciPy image sandbox used to
> contain more conversions, probably in a slightly confusing way
> (e.g.
> Anyway, please let me know what you think.
> Thanks,
> Chris

Nicolas Pinto
Ph.D. Candidate, Brain & Computer Sciences
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
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