iso-contour finding and color-space manipulations

Chris Colbert sccolbert at
Sun Oct 18 15:34:28 EDT 2009

I can have relatively complete color space conversions from OpenCV:

completed with almost no effort.

Since you need it, I'll work on that next.

I'll be busy the next few days. But may be able to work it in. At the
latest Thursday or Friday.



2009/10/18 Stéfan van der Walt <stefan at>:
> Hi Ralf
> 2009/10/18 Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at>:
>> Looking at the code that needs to be integrated, I'm most interested in the
>> 2D iso-contour finding and color-space manipulations. The coming week I've
>> got time to do this.
> The relevant post on the SciPy list is here:
>> Same question for the color-space stuff, Nicolas, or anyone else?
> Travis had some colour-space manipulation code here:
> I think Nicholas included his (faster) version of rgb2hsv, but the
> file above includes many more converters which can be brought over
> once they're documented and tested.
> Regards
> Stéfan

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