ANN: scikits.image v0.2

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at
Thu Nov 12 16:24:51 EST 2009

2009/11/12 Tony S Yu <tsyu80 at>:
> Thanks for you quick response. I see that you made changes to the
> "show" doctest. Nevertheless, the test still fails on my system
> because there's no plugin specified for imshow when I run the test.
> (If I specify, io.use_plugin and import numpy as np, it sort of works;
> no really b/c it registers a failure since imshow returns objects that
> the doctest checks). I'm not sure if it makes sense to write that
> example as a doctest (because of these complications).

Did you reinstall the scikit?  I added a "null" plugin that should be
used by default. You should see something like:

In [7]: io.plugins(loaded=True)
Out[7]: {'null': ['imshow'], 'pil': ['imread', 'imsave']}


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