ANN: scikits.image v0.2

Tony S Yu tsyu80 at
Thu Nov 12 16:33:00 EST 2009

On Nov 12, 2009, at 4:24 PM, Stéfan van der Walt wrote:

> 2009/11/12 Tony S Yu <tsyu80 at>:
>> Thanks for you quick response. I see that you made changes to the
>> "show" doctest. Nevertheless, the test still fails on my system
>> because there's no plugin specified for imshow when I run the test.
>> (If I specify, io.use_plugin and import numpy as np, it sort of  
>> works;
>> no really b/c it registers a failure since imshow returns objects  
>> that
>> the doctest checks). I'm not sure if it makes sense to write that
>> example as a doctest (because of these complications).
> Did you reinstall the scikit?

Good point! I was just looking at the commits and copied and pasted  
the stuff you added in the "fix doctests" commit. The null plugin  
works as you describe after pull the your latest revisions.


> I added a "null" plugin that should be
> used by default. You should see something like:
> In [7]: io.plugins(loaded=True)
> Out[7]: {'null': ['imshow'], 'pil': ['imread', 'imsave']}
> Cheers
> Stéfan

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