OpenCV 2 or 1

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at
Thu Nov 5 06:30:31 EST 2009

2009/11/5 Chris Colbert <sccolbert at>:
> 2) Because people may want more than one OpenCV version installed at a time,
> we will first make an attempt to find the variable OPENCV2 in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
>  - If the variable exists, but the dll loads fail, we abort the
> library import with a message to stdout.
>  - if the variable does not exist, we assume that OpenCV 2.0 is the
> only version installed on the system
>   and continue with the loading mechanism in place. If the user did
> not heed our instructions and
>   instead is using OpenCV < 2.0, and something crashes. Shame on them.

We can even simplify that:

a) scikits.image.opencv requires opencv v2
b) scikits.image.opencv always loads the first opencv library that can
be found on LD_LIBRARY_PATH


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