io.imshow(fancy=True) and the new color channel mixer!

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at
Wed Nov 4 02:27:07 EST 2009

Hi Holger

2009/11/4 SirVer <sirver at>:
> Also, while I agree that the plugin architecture is well layed out, I
> feel that this is not a very pythonic way to do things. In Python,
> stuff either works because you have everything installed or not. I do
> not want to criticize before I completely understand the reason for
> the plugin architecture. Could someone point me to the thread were it
> was discussed?

I don't think this is an accurate summary of "pythonic".  Sometimes,
it is impossible not to  have differing behaviour depending on the OS,
available libraries, etc.  In our case, the plugin architecture made
it possible for me to display images on my work machine (that only has
GTK installed), or on my Mac (which only has Qt4 installed).  Another
well-known package that uses a similar architecture is matplotlib,
with backends for GTK, OSX, PDF and so forth.

One aspect of the scikit design that I'd like to preserve is a light
list of dependencies.  This means that someone who simply wants to run
a filter should not have to install OpenCV, Qt, GTK, Cython, etc.


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