Pending release of 0.3

SirVer sirver at
Wed Nov 4 01:53:24 EST 2009

Hi Stefan,

I do not know were I'm currently at. My gui branch is not merged to
master, so I guess you are unhappy with it. There is other development
based on the plugin architecture and we have now yet another image
viewer in pyqt. Still I feel that a full featured gui module could
lead to much more powerful image processing widgets than the plugin
system could. So I am unsure if and if yes how I should advance with
my gui & camcalib branch.


On 3 Nov., 22:40, Stéfan van der Walt <ste... at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am planning to tag version 0.3 by the end of this week or early next
> week.  Please let me know if there are any branches I should review
> before then.
> Happy hacking!
> Stéfan

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