[Pythonmac-SIG] Building extension modules with Xcode 5

Andrew Barnert abarnert at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 28 19:46:48 CET 2013

Sorry, I've been trying to reproduce this, and I haven't identified exactly what the problem is, except that you have to upgrade Xcode from 4.x to 5.0.1 after upgrading to 10.9 and without upgrading/reinstalling Python. If I do that, _sometimes_ it doesn't work, with failures looking for gcc-4.2. If I do any other sequence, it always succeeds. I'll keep trying to figure out the repro case.

Sent from a random iPhone

On Oct 24, 2013, at 19:29, Ned Deily <nad at acm.org> wrote:

> In article <1382665677.4566.YahooMailNeo at web184704.mail.ne1.yahoo.com>,
> Andrew Barnert <abarnert at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Also Python having a single binary for 10.6+. I understand that decision—the 
>> only alternatives are to tell 10.6 users they're stuck with 2.7.5/3.3.2 
>> forever, or to double the number of builds and double the packagers' work. 
>> But Apple consistently and intentionally makes it hard to support more than 3 
>> (sometimes even 2) major OS X versions at a time, and they do a good job of 
>> that.
> I'm really confused here.   Using the current 2.7.5 64-bit installer (from 
> May) on 10.8.5 with Xcode 5.0.1 works just fine for me.  Perhaps you are 
> seeing problems because you are trying to override Distutils defaults?  If you 
> don't set any of CC or LDSHARED or other DIstutils environment variables, 
> Distutils should do the right thing.  If you do set the env variables, 
> Distutils assumes you know what you are doing and honors the values you supply.
> -- 
> Ned Deily,
> nad at acm.org
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