[Pythonmac-SIG] appscript path problem from a newbie

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Tue Apr 15 12:53:08 CEST 2008

John Ott wrote:

> I am getting file not found errors from appscript.
> I manually open my OmniOutliner file Projets.oo3 first then from a  
> xterm
> window:
> python
> from appscript import *
> oop = app('OmniOutliner Professional')
> pod = oop.documents['Projects.oo3']
> A second copy of OmniOutliner Professional is started and a new file  
> is
> opened then I get my error.  I'm suspecting an path variable not set
> properly but I can't find where to set it.  Any ideas?

The only thing the above code does is locate OO, launch it if it isn't  
already running, and get its terminology. (Note: it won't do anything  
to your 'Projects.oo3' document as you haven't sent a command.)

Do you have more than one copy of OO installed? Appscript uses  
LaunchServices to locate applications by name/bundle id/creator code,  
so it may be that the LS database points to a different copy of OO to  
the one you're running. If you need to be more specific, you can  
identify applications by their full path or unix process id; see  
chapter 7 of the appscript manual for details.


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