[Pythonmac-SIG] Disabling Menus on the Mac

Jens Thomas j.m.h.thomas at dl.ac.uk
Tue Apr 15 11:28:55 CEST 2008


I've hit a rather quirky problem that falls between a number of 
different areas, so I'm not sure if this is the correct list to post 
this to, so apologies if I've got it wrong.

I'm working on a PyQt GUI application that I'm trying to integrate with 
a Tkinter GUI application. Surprisingly, this actually works quite well 
and the two event loops don't seem to clash and it all (almost) works fine.

The only issue I've hit is that when the PyQt application spawns the 
thread that runs the Tkinter GUI, the "Python" menu for the Tkinter app 
appears and tramples over the existing PyQt application's menu (i.e. the 
menu along the top of the screen with the "Preferences", "File", "Edit" 
etc. stuff in it gets scrambled as both applications think they have 
control of it).

I guess this makes sense, but it does rather screw things up for me.

Does anyone know if there is any way for me to run the Tkinter GUI 
without it trying to populate the menu bar?

Best wishes,


Jens Thomas,                email:  j.m.h.thomas at dl.ac.uk
STFC Daresbury Lab,         tel:    +44-1925-603849
Warrington,                 fax:    +44-1925-603634
WA4 4AD,  UK.               http:   http://www.cse.scitech.ac.uk

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