[Pythonmac-SIG] Eclipse + SWT + Python

Scott Frankel leknarf at pacbell.net
Mon Nov 19 22:23:02 CET 2007

Thanks for the suggestions (and warnings!).

Would Idle be a good choice for IDE if I were to use wx?  I've seen  
Python plugins for XCode.  Would that support debugging?

Thanks again!

On Nov 19, 2007, at 1:03 PM, James Kelly wrote:

> I've had good experience with wxpython.  In some areas the  
> documentation can
> be a little spotty, but it's generally pretty easy to figure out.
> I've had a few quirks with PyDev though.  I found it difficult to  
> get it to
> recognize where my site-packages directory was, despite the fact  
> that the
> binary PyDev was using to interpret python could import packages  
> just fine.
> It would also occasionally crash eclipse, or sometimes the  
> characters on the
> screen would get scrambled.  A word of caution on that, if you see  
> that,
> don't save... That isn't a display issue, that's literally what  
> gets saved
> (the garbage characters).
> Jim
> On 11/19/07 3:45 PM, "Leonardo Santagada" <santagada at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Em 19/11/2007, às 17:50, Scott Frankel escreveu:
>>> Is anyone on this list using Eclipse with Python and the SWT
>>> windowing kit?
>>> I've been looking through the MacPython.org and Eclipse pages for
>>> info on combining Python and SWT.  So far, I've read about the PyDev
>>> plugin that allows Eclipse to speak Python.
>>> I'd like to know if PyDev would allow me to use Python to build SWT
>>> projects.  If not, can Python methods can be invoked from within an
>>> SWT Java project.
>>> Ultimately, I'm looking for a windowing toolkit that uses native
>>> widgets, one that can provide a high level of visual polish, that  
>>> can
>>> be built for multiple OS's and platforms, and that plays nicely with
>>> Python.
>> I would advise you to try WxPython or QT.
>> --
>> Leonardo Santagada
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