[Pythonmac-SIG] Eclipse + SWT + Python

Jim Kelly JKelly at nemetschek.net
Mon Nov 19 22:03:50 CET 2007

I've had good experience with wxpython.  In some areas the documentation can
be a little spotty, but it's generally pretty easy to figure out.

I've had a few quirks with PyDev though.  I found it difficult to get it to
recognize where my site-packages directory was, despite the fact that the
binary PyDev was using to interpret python could import packages just fine.

It would also occasionally crash eclipse, or sometimes the characters on the
screen would get scrambled.  A word of caution on that, if you see that,
don't save... That isn't a display issue, that's literally what gets saved
(the garbage characters).


On 11/19/07 3:45 PM, "Leonardo Santagada" <santagada at gmail.com> wrote:

> Em 19/11/2007, às 17:50, Scott Frankel escreveu:
>> Is anyone on this list using Eclipse with Python and the SWT
>> windowing kit?
>> I've been looking through the MacPython.org and Eclipse pages for
>> info on combining Python and SWT.  So far, I've read about the PyDev
>> plugin that allows Eclipse to speak Python.
>> I'd like to know if PyDev would allow me to use Python to build SWT
>> projects.  If not, can Python methods can be invoked from within an
>> SWT Java project.
>> Ultimately, I'm looking for a windowing toolkit that uses native
>> widgets, one that can provide a high level of visual polish, that can
>> be built for multiple OS's and platforms, and that plays nicely with
>> Python.
> I would advise you to try WxPython or QT.
> --
> Leonardo Santagada
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