[Pythonmac-SIG] gmpy universal build (static)?

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Tue Jan 9 12:32:11 CET 2007

On 9 Jan, 2007, at 12:04, Daniel Lord wrote:

> Ronald,
> Yes I will. You raise a very good point about reproducibility.
> I'll build a binary distro for those who want to keep it simple.
> But I will also include an archive containing instruction, shell  
> scripts, env vars, and steps required to 'curl' the source and  
> build it from scratch.

IMHO this is the more important one for software that doesn't build  
out of the box, binary packages are nice to have but it should be  
possible to rebuild those without reinventing the wheel every time.

What I'd like to see is a collection of binary packages that are  
created from a set of recipies (somewhat like what DarwinPorts does,  
but without sucking in a second installation of unix). That way it  
should be possible to (mostly) automaticly rebuild the binary  
packages when new versions of software are released, and when a new  
version of Python is released.

In an ideal world we'd have the same set of software available for  
python 2.4, python 2.5 and Apple's python installation. The only way  
to get there is by using a toolset that does most of the work,  
manually building software and checking that everything still works  
is too much work.

> It requires just a bit of tweaking the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS ( for  
> gmp) and a one-line patch for the gmpy distro in cvs (1.02)
> That would be an ideal things to also put in the Wiki were it not  
> in such sorry state.
> I'd like to help with the Wiki, but I don't have the requisite time  
> to learn is admin nor do the content justice right now.

Somewhere on the web should be good enough, Google should be able to  
find it then :-)

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