[Pythonmac-SIG] Fwd: Re: python appscript is displaying warning/errors sometimes

Jordan Breeding jordan.breeding at mac.com
Wed Jun 28 21:26:38 CEST 2006

Okay, I am attaching a copy of the current script.  Usernames, passwords, and email addresses have been replaced with "****".  This code might be a little rough, probably looks like c++ instead of pure python, etc.  But it does work except for that I get those errors from time to time.  I seem to get the errors regardless of whether I call python or pythonw.  I am using the latest appscript (appscript installer 1.3.2) and Universal Python 2.4.3.  Thanks for any help tracking down why these errors/warnings occur.


On Wednesday, June 28, 2006, at 02:01PM, Bob Ippolito <bob at redivi.com> wrote:

>pythonw is and always has been a stub that launches a regular python  
>interpreter. There is nothing special about it except for the path  
>the regular interpreter is located at. The only thing it can do is  
>enable WindowServer access; it shouldn't ever cause any issues  
>(especially of this sort). In other words, it is absolutely not your  
>The script isn't attached. I doubt anyone will be able to help you on  
>this without source code. You are correct about the message's  
>meaning, but without source the cause can't be determined.
>On Jun 28, 2006, at 11:44 AM, Jordan Breeding wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Do you think that the Python 2.4.3 Universal build could be having  
>> this effect with python and pythonw now combined?  I don't see  
>> these messages all of the time but when I do it is a block of about  
>> 10 or so of them, and I usually only get the messages once per run  
>> of a script even when they do show up.  I tried googling around and  
>> it seems like this message means something was marked autorelease  
>> in Cocoa somewhere but without a pool in place.  Please let me know  
>> if you think you know what is going on but need more information.   
>> The problem might also be present in the 2.5b1 Universal, don't  
>> know yet because I don't have an appscript module for python built  
>> yet that will work with 2.5b1.
>> Thanks,
>> Jordan
>> From: has <has.temp3 at virgin.net>
>> To: Jordan Breeding <jordan.breeding at mac.com>
>> Date: Wed Jun 28, 2006 11:31:03 AM CDT
>> Subject: Re: python appscript is displaying warning/errors sometimes
>> Hi,
>>> I am using appscript in python to do some various tasks in iTunes.
>>> The scripts are organized by task.  One of the scripts makes some
>>> zip files based on a playlist and then sends them.  The problem I
>>> have is that while the script does compete all of its takes I get
>>> this set of messages sometimes:
>>> 2006-06-21 09:23:26.019 Python[21992] *** _NSAutoreleaseNoPool():
>>> Object 0x6fa480 of class NSCFString autoreleased with no pool in
>>> place - just leaking
>>> ...
>>> I am attaching a copy of the script with servernames, usernames,
>>> and passwords blanked out.  I know it probably isn't the greatest
>>> code in the world but it seems to get the job done and I was just
>>> wondering if you could easily spot the place that is leaking.
>> Hmm, dunno; not very good on that stuff. If I had to guess, I'd say
>> check the interpreter; I think it was rewritten recently to eliminate
>> the python/pythonw dichotomy. I don't think any of the modules in
>> your script are using Cocoa/CoreFoundation. Sorry I can't be more
>> helpful.
>> Regards,
>> has
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