[Pythonmac-SIG] Fwd: Re: python appscript is displaying warning/errors sometimes

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Wed Jun 28 21:01:15 CEST 2006

pythonw is and always has been a stub that launches a regular python  
interpreter. There is nothing special about it except for the path  
the regular interpreter is located at. The only thing it can do is  
enable WindowServer access; it shouldn't ever cause any issues  
(especially of this sort). In other words, it is absolutely not your  

The script isn't attached. I doubt anyone will be able to help you on  
this without source code. You are correct about the message's  
meaning, but without source the cause can't be determined.


On Jun 28, 2006, at 11:44 AM, Jordan Breeding wrote:

> Hello,
> Do you think that the Python 2.4.3 Universal build could be having  
> this effect with python and pythonw now combined?  I don't see  
> these messages all of the time but when I do it is a block of about  
> 10 or so of them, and I usually only get the messages once per run  
> of a script even when they do show up.  I tried googling around and  
> it seems like this message means something was marked autorelease  
> in Cocoa somewhere but without a pool in place.  Please let me know  
> if you think you know what is going on but need more information.   
> The problem might also be present in the 2.5b1 Universal, don't  
> know yet because I don't have an appscript module for python built  
> yet that will work with 2.5b1.
> Thanks,
> Jordan
> From: has <has.temp3 at virgin.net>
> To: Jordan Breeding <jordan.breeding at mac.com>
> Date: Wed Jun 28, 2006 11:31:03 AM CDT
> Subject: Re: python appscript is displaying warning/errors sometimes
> Hi,
>> I am using appscript in python to do some various tasks in iTunes.
>> The scripts are organized by task.  One of the scripts makes some
>> zip files based on a playlist and then sends them.  The problem I
>> have is that while the script does compete all of its takes I get
>> this set of messages sometimes:
>> 2006-06-21 09:23:26.019 Python[21992] *** _NSAutoreleaseNoPool():
>> Object 0x6fa480 of class NSCFString autoreleased with no pool in
>> place - just leaking
>> ...
>> I am attaching a copy of the script with servernames, usernames,
>> and passwords blanked out.  I know it probably isn't the greatest
>> code in the world but it seems to get the job done and I was just
>> wondering if you could easily spot the place that is leaking.
> Hmm, dunno; not very good on that stuff. If I had to guess, I'd say
> check the interpreter; I think it was rewritten recently to eliminate
> the python/pythonw dichotomy. I don't think any of the modules in
> your script are using Cocoa/CoreFoundation. Sorry I can't be more
> helpful.
> Regards,
> has
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