[Pythonmac-SIG] distributed objects with PyObjC

Keith Ray keith.ray at gmail.com
Thu Jan 12 18:17:20 CET 2006

I'm trying to test-implement Distributed Object using the example
server / client from the book "Cocoa Programming" by Scott Anguish,
Erik M. Buck, Donald A. Yacktman (chapter 23).

I've kept the sample server in Objective C, and I'm trying to
implement the client in PyFit.

What I'm stuck on right now is a crash calling

   self.server.addMessageClient_( self )

in my method  applicationDidFinishLaunching_

Do you have any suggestions?   I can send the crash-log as well...

Here's the python source code:

#  DOTestPythonClientAppDelegate.py
#  DOTestPythonClient

from Foundation import *
from AppKit import *

from PyObjCTools import *
from objc import *

MYMessageServerProtocol = formal_protocol( u'MYMessageServerProtocol', None, [
    selector( None, selector='addMessageClient:', signature='Vv12 at 0:4 at 8'),
    selector( None, selector='removeMessageClient:', signature='c12 at 0:4 at 8'),
    selector( None, selector='broadcastMessageString:',
signature='Vv12 at 0:4 at 8') ] )

class DOTestPythonClientAppDelegate(NibClassBuilder.AutoBaseClass):

    composeView = ivar(u'composeView')
    messageView = ivar(u'messageView')
    sendButton = ivar(u'sendButton')
    server = None

    def sendMessage_(self,aSender):
        NSLog( u"sendMessage_ ." )
        self.server.broadcastMessageString_( self.composeView.string() )
        self.composeView.setString_( u'' )

    def appendMessageString_(self,aSstring):   # called by server...
        NSLog( u"appendMessageString ." )
        appendRange = NSMakeRange( self.messageView.string().length(), 0);
        #Append text and scroll if neccessary
appendRange, aString );
        self.messageView.scrollRangeToVisible_( appendRange )
        return self

    def connectionDidDie_(self,aNotification):
        NSLog( u"Error: Connection to server is broken." )

    def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self,aNotification):
        NSLog( u"applicationDidFinishLaunching_ ." )
        self.server =
u"server", None ).retain()
        if None == self.server :
            NSLog( u"Error: Failed to connect to server." )
            NSLog( u"did connect to server." )
            connectionDidDie_SEL = selector( self.connectionDidDie_,
                selector='connectionDidDie:', signature="v12 at 0:4 at 8" )
                self, connectionDidDie_SEL,
NSConnectionDidDieNotification, None )
            NSLog( u"called
defaultCenter().addObserver_selector_name_object_." )

            self.server.setProtocolForProxy_( MYMessageServerProtocol )
            NSLog( u"called self.server.setProtocolForProxy_." )

            self.server.addMessageClient_( self )   # crashing here...
            NSLog( u"called self.server.addMessageClient_." )

            astr = u"Connected: %s %d" %
            NSLog( u"astr = '%s'" % astr )

            self.server.broadcastMessageString_( astr ) # convert to NSString
            NSLog( u"called self.server.broadcastMessageString_." )

    def applicationWillTerminate_(self,aNotification):
        NSLog( u"applicationWillTerminate_ ." )
        if NO == self.server.removeMessageClient_(self) :
            NSLog( u"Error: Failed to remove client." )
        self.server = None


C. Keith Ray

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