[Pythonmac-SIG] Discussion of Python IDE's: strengths andweaknesses (long)

Henning.Ramm@mediapro-gmbh.de Henning.Ramm at mediapro-gmbh.de
Thu Jul 7 10:10:21 CEST 2005

Thank you very much for this overview!
I tried several IDEs about a month ago to find the suiting one
for my little projects and made partly the same, partly different

Several apps showed the same problem on my german Tiger:

The text in interpreter windows is not readable (only top part of
characters is shown); if I had an option to enable antialiasing,
it showed up, but not every app provided that.
(Perhaps an issue with some system preference?)

Another common problem is non-working (or even crashing) drag-and-drop
of files to the IDE's windows or dock icon.

Several IDE's I didn't get to use Python 2.4.1 (and the new wxPython),
AFAIR it was Boa and PyOxide.

And I don't like how most Python editors (even if they use Scintilla)
handle (or mostly not-handle) non-Python files - be it config, HTML,
text or other-language files.

>2. Spe, which also includes wxGlade and other tools.

I like SPE on WinXP, even if it tends to run into exceptions after
that you seem to be able to work, but you can't save anymore - very
dangerous! Other non-options like printing behave the same.

On OSX I don't like how SPE's windows are split (notebook tabs, but
separate windows, focus change doesn't really work).

There were a lot of development for a while, but lately Stani
stays quiet - perhaps he choked on his debugger-integration plans.

>3. Eric3

Again I didn't manage to let it use Python 2.4.1
Strangely the app starts only every second time.

Some more:

7. Eclipse
is a mighty Java IDE, or more an application framework that ships
with a Java IDE, but there are also two or three Python modules
(PyDev, TruStudio).
Eclipse's interface has nothing to do with any OS's standards, but I
think one will get used to it. But at least on my G4/400 it's just
too slow (esp. startup), and I can't wrap my mind around it's concepts.
Perhaps that's why I got lost in the preferences and didn't find
source browser, code completion etc.

8. DrPython
a rather nice little light-weight (wx)Python IDE, extensible with
plugins (i.e. a lot of important features are outsourced to plugins),
but most plugins are outdated, have bugs or don't work for other
I think it would be suited to replace IDLE more than most other
candidates, but needs a bit of work for all the nice features to
actually work.
There's no Mac bundle yet, you must run it from Terminal.

Best regards,
Henning Hraban Ramm
Südkurier Medienhaus / MediaPro
Support/Admin/Development Dept.

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