[Pythonmac-SIG] Just starting out - Python 2.3.3?

Richard Jones richard at commonground.com.au
Fri Jan 28 05:26:54 CET 2005

On 28/01/2005, at 2:45 PM, Bob Ippolito wrote:
> On Jan 27, 2005, at 7:31 PM, Richard Jones wrote:
>> 1. I can't find source for PyObjC (though I think it might come with 
>> Python?)
> Ever tried google?  Even clicking "I'm feeling lucky" will take you to 
> the right place.. which happens to be <http://pyobjc.sf.net>.

OK, a fair cop. I just assumed it would be hard to find given it's not 
linked from pythonmac.org.

>> 2. I can't install a --enable-framework in a place other than 
>> /usr/local -
>>    the --prefix and INSTALLDIR arguments to --enable-framework appear 
>> to be
>>    ignored.
>> I need the resulting Python to be relocatable (ie. bundled inside a 
>> drag-installed app like other OS X apps) ... and I've now got a 
>> niggling feeling that this isn't possible...
> The /usr/local crap just symlinks inside the framework, so your 
> feeling is not correct.

Hrm. Still doesn't quite address point #2 though. I guess the answer, 
reading between the next lines, is "it doesn't - just use /usr/local" 

> You will want to use py2app when bundling your application though, as 
> the Mach-O headers need some rewriting in order to avoid conflict.  If 
> you start it up with a non-System Python, it will automatically decide 
> that you want to include a stripped down version of the Python runtime 
> inside your application.
> .. note that py2app can even do this for a non-framework regular 'old 
> unix-style build.  However, those builds don't have the machinery to 
> run GUI applications outside of the context of an application bundle.  
> If you're using PyObjC, you basically need to be using a 
> per-application bundle anyway, so it's really not a problem.  py2app's 
> alias bundle mode is great for this, I suggest reading the PyObjC 
> tutorial.

Yeah, I guess I have a whole lotta reading to do. I've opened a can of 
worms, and they're looking scary :(

Having said that, last time* I did this, PyObjC didn't exist and I'm 
*pretty* sure it's making my life easier this time, if I can only crack 
this minor issue of getting Zope up and running in a PyObjC-enabled 
Python, and then have it bundled, and ... :)


*: http://www.zope.org/Members/richard/zope_controller/mac

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