[Pythonmac-SIG] Just starting out - Python 2.3.3?

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Fri Jan 28 04:45:53 CET 2005

On Jan 27, 2005, at 7:31 PM, Richard Jones wrote:

> On 28/01/2005, at 12:14 AM, Bob Ippolito wrote:
>> On Jan 26, 2005, at 23:49, Richard Jones wrote:
>>> 2. install the PyObjC stuff alongside a manually compiled Python?
>> That works fine.
> Two hitches here:
> 1. I can't find source for PyObjC (though I think it might come with 
> Python?)

Ever tried google?  Even clicking "I'm feeling lucky" will take you to 
the right place.. which happens to be <http://pyobjc.sf.net>.

> 2. I can't install a --enable-framework in a place other than 
> /usr/local -
>    the --prefix and INSTALLDIR arguments to --enable-framework appear 
> to be
>    ignored.
> I need the resulting Python to be relocatable (ie. bundled inside a 
> drag-installed app like other OS X apps) ... and I've now got a 
> niggling feeling that this isn't possible...

The /usr/local crap just symlinks inside the framework, so your feeling 
is not correct.

You will want to use py2app when bundling your application though, as 
the Mach-O headers need some rewriting in order to avoid conflict.  If 
you start it up with a non-System Python, it will automatically decide 
that you want to include a stripped down version of the Python runtime 
inside your application.

.. note that py2app can even do this for a non-framework regular 'old 
unix-style build.  However, those builds don't have the machinery to 
run GUI applications outside of the context of an application bundle.  
If you're using PyObjC, you basically need to be using a 
per-application bundle anyway, so it's really not a problem.  py2app's 
alias bundle mode is great for this, I suggest reading the PyObjC 


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