[Pythonmac-SIG] appscript terminology caching #2

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Sat Oct 23 08:31:46 CEST 2004

On 22-okt-04, at 10:45, Jack Jansen wrote:

> On 22-okt-04, at 1:26, has wrote:
>>> There's all sorts of issues with starting daemons (like: will the
>>> daemon be system-wide or per-user?
>> It's a user-level process, so I guess that makes it per-user. Out of 
>> interest, does [Mac]Python run anything at any other level?
> No, what I meant was "if user Jack starts ATS, then user Has logs in 
> (either via the net or with fast user switching), will he use Jack's 
> ATS?". Because that could have security implications (such as allowing 
> access to terminology for apps to which Jack has access but Has not).
> But it turns out this is probably not a problem: as ATS uses OSA any 
> problem will exist with AppleScript without ATS too.

Depending on how ATS works there could be other problem: there is no 
reason to assume that user Jack started a real ATS. What if he started 
a modified version of ATS that returns garbage?

What happens when two users are logged on at the same time (Fast User 

I don't like a hidden daemon, especially when it accesses the network 
and can be accessed across the network.

What about writing the cache in ~/Library/Python/appscript.cache? Or 
why use a cache at all? I agree with Bob: if you want the extra 
performance you can explicitly create a cache module.


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