[Pythonmac-SIG] Question about py2app and applets

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Fri Oct 8 19:02:30 CEST 2004

On Oct 8, 2004, at 12:18 PM, João Leão wrote:

> Because of behavior, when I want an applet (I mean an app that needs 
> no dependencies other than the default Python) I've been using 
> bundlebuilder with the --semi-standalone option and I get an app with 
> same size.
> Now I'm starting to use py2app and I wonder if there's some kind of 
> option (argument?) that does the same as the --semi-standalone option 
> in bundlebuilder.
> Just to give an example:
> My first attempt to do this with py2app was actually with py2applet. I 
> simply drag and dropped my script and I got an app with 1,6 Mb.
> With bundlebuilder (--semi-standalone) it would be 68 kb.

What version of py2app is that?  When I build an app with only stdlib 
dependencies using py2app from svn trunk it comes out to 56kb.

Do you have a /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework installed?  It might 
be finding and using that..


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