[Pythonmac-SIG] Question about py2app and applets

João Leão joaoleao at gmx.net
Fri Oct 8 18:18:43 CEST 2004

Hi everyone

When I do "Save as applet" from the IDE, the resulting app isn't 
working on other machines besides mine as far as I tested with two 
other machines in my office. These applets rely only on the default 
Apple Python and the tested machines are running 10.3.5 as mine.
The applet starts and dies silently a few seconds later. Is this a 
known issue?

Because of behavior, when I want an applet (I mean an app that needs no 
dependencies other than the default Python) I've been using 
bundlebuilder with the --semi-standalone option and I get an app with 
same size.

Now I'm starting to use py2app and I wonder if there's some kind of 
option (argument?) that does the same as the --semi-standalone option 
in bundlebuilder.
Just to give an example:
My first attempt to do this with py2app was actually with py2applet. I 
simply drag and dropped my script and I got an app with 1,6 Mb.
With bundlebuilder (--semi-standalone) it would be 68 kb.

Thank you

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