[Pythonmac-SIG] Trying to make an app

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Wed Oct 6 21:45:13 CEST 2004

On Oct 6, 2004, at 3:04 PM, Steven Palm wrote:

> On Oct 6, 2004, at 12:04 PM, Bob Ippolito wrote:
>>> So the difference in invocation between the bundlebuuilder-built  
>>> application bundle and the py2app-built application bundle is 
>>> causing a problem with finding the path where we are being run from, 
>>> at least in the way that BitPim is trying to find it in the above 
>>> code. Anyway, that's something for me to worry about. ;^)
>> Ok so don't do that!  Your application is trying to be too tricky.  
>> sys.path[0] is going to point to the os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 
>> which is the bootstrap executable.  sys.path[1] is Resources, though.
>  Well, this isn't *my* app, it's Roger Binns who is the main 
> developer, I just pitch in to build Macintosh versions. He really on 
> the whole abhors platform unique and is doing that too (I assume) deal 
> with Windows and Linux in a consistent fashion. If it proves that 
> py2app is the best Mac packaging solution, then it may also be 
> required to change that initialization code to fit it.

I'll see if I can change sys.path[0] without breaking anything useful.

>  On the other hand, the bundlebuilder process produces a 15MB package, 
> while the py2app package is about 40MB, so maybe it's not time to 
> switch yet until you are able to strip out unneeded parts of 
> referenced modules.

Probably because the bundlebuilder process isn't embedding everything 
it actually needs, or you're including too many packages explicitly 
without reason.  Either that or there's a WHOLE LOT of python code and 
you should turn on zip compression.  I can't know unless I can see a ls 
-lR of what went in there or something.  If I don't get this kind of 
assistance from users like you then py2app will likely never suit your 
needs, so don't throw it away yet .. it's probably a trivial fix.

>> You start in the Resources folder, so just do:
>> resourcedirectory='resources'
>  Ah, but he is later using that as a base point for other paths... 
> It's confusing, and obviously well outside of the scope of what py2app 
> is responsible for. Now  that you've educated me a bit more I'll  work 
> it out with Roger. ;-)

Well, you've confused me :)


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