[Pythonmac-SIG] Trying to make an app

Steven Palm n9yty at n9yty.com
Wed Oct 6 21:04:37 CEST 2004

On Oct 6, 2004, at 12:04 PM, Bob Ippolito wrote:
>> So the difference in invocation between the bundlebuuilder-built  
>> application bundle and the py2app-built application bundle is causing 
>> a problem with finding the path where we are being run from, at least 
>> in the way that BitPim is trying to find it in the above code. 
>> Anyway, that's something for me to worry about. ;^)
> Ok so don't do that!  Your application is trying to be too tricky.  
> sys.path[0] is going to point to the os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 
> which is the bootstrap executable.  sys.path[1] is Resources, though.

  Well, this isn't *my* app, it's Roger Binns who is the main developer, 
I just pitch in to build Macintosh versions. He really on the whole 
abhors platform unique and is doing that too (I assume) deal with 
Windows and Linux in a consistent fashion. If it proves that py2app is 
the best Mac packaging solution, then it may also be required to change 
that initialization code to fit it.

  On the other hand, the bundlebuilder process produces a 15MB package, 
while the py2app package is about 40MB, so maybe it's not time to 
switch yet until you are able to strip out unneeded parts of referenced 

> You start in the Resources folder, so just do:
> resourcedirectory='resources'

  Ah, but he is later using that as a base point for other paths... It's 
confusing, and obviously well outside of the scope of what py2app is 
responsible for. Now  that you've educated me a bit more I'll  work it 
out with Roger. ;-)


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