[Pythonmac-SIG] PyObjC py2app-branch merged to trunk

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Mon Nov 29 05:58:38 CET 2004

The py2app-branch of PyObjC has been merged to trunk, and development 
will continue on trunk.  For those of you that have checked out 
py2app-branch, please svn switch back to 

Enhancements include but are not limited to:

- All buildapp.py scripts are gone, bundlebuilder is no longer used 
anywhere.  Examples now have setup.py scripts and are built with 
"python setup.py py2app".
- The way setup.py works has changed significantly.  It now supports a 
bdist_mpkg command to build a .mpkg distribution containing both PyObjC 
and py2app
- Includes a copy of what will be py2app 0.1.6 (or possibly 0.2.0 .. 
depending on what else I change)
- Enhanced compatibility with the Apple Objective C runtime
- Bugfixes and minor feature additions on several other fronts
- A sandbox directory with some new half-baked ideas for a new 
Objective C header parser

The Xcode template still does not support py2app.  I would recommend 
that if you use Xcode, you should only use it for development.  
Deployment should be done using py2app.


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