[Pythonmac-SIG] Building pythonw OSX app

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Mon Mar 1 21:08:53 EST 2004

On Mar 1, 2004, at 8:51 PM, jeffm at cruzio.com wrote:

> Hi,
> I've developed a Mac program with MacPython 2.3 and Pygame on OS 10.3.  
>  It runs from the command line fine, but how should I turn it into a  
> stand-alone OSX application?
> Thanks,
> Jeff
> P.S.
> * I tried "Save as Applet..." from the IDE and BuildApplet.  These  
> don't work, possibly because my program requires "pythonw" rather than  
> "python"?
> * I tried running MacPython-2.3/Extras/Tools/freeze/freeze.py, but it  
> gives an error:
>   Error: needed directory
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/include/ 
> python2.3 not found
> And it's true that there is no "include" directory inside the 2.3  
> directory.  It gives the same error if I try to build the sample  
> hello.py, but the help-recommended solution (do "make install")  
> doesn't seem to make sense in any main python directories I can find.
> * I've also seen questions on the web about BuildApplication and  
> bundlebuilder, but I haven't found these programs.

bundlebuilder is the only thing you should be trying to use on OS X.   
You already have it.  It's a module that comes with any OS X build of  
Python 2.3.  The best resource for bundlebuilder right now is:  

It's quite difficult to do right now for pygame-using applications, so  
be prepared to sink some time into it.  You will need to include the  
entire pygame package (it won't work from a --semi-standalone zip  
file), and each dependent framework/library (all of the SDL frameworks,  
smpeg, ogg, and vorbis, I believe.. but that may not be quite all of  
them).  Making an OS X 10.2 compatible bundle will also be VERY  
difficult, and requires things that I'm not even willing to attempt or  
explain at the moment.  For now, If you have to do it, do it on an OS X  
10.2 machine.

I'm working on a branch of bundlebuilder that is a lot smarter about  
stuff like this (but backwards compatibility is basically impossible  
with a regular environment, so don't hold your breath on that one), but  
it's not complete enough to make pygame easier to bundle.

If you have an immediate need and your application is open source (or  
are willing to pay a small fee), then I'll probably have time to write  
an applet-building script for you if you point me at the source.

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