[Pythonmac-SIG] Building pythonw OSX app

jeffm at cruzio.com jeffm at cruzio.com
Mon Mar 1 20:51:19 EST 2004


I've developed a Mac program with MacPython 2.3 and Pygame on OS 
10.3.  It runs from the command line fine, but how should I turn it 
into a stand-alone OSX application?


* I tried "Save as Applet..." from the IDE and BuildApplet.  These 
don't work, possibly because my program requires "pythonw" rather 
than "python"?
* I tried running MacPython-2.3/Extras/Tools/freeze/freeze.py, but it 
gives an error:
   Error: needed directory
not found
And it's true that there is no "include" directory inside the 2.3 
directory.  It gives the same error if I try to build the sample 
hello.py, but the help-recommended solution (do "make install") 
doesn't seem to make sense in any main python directories I can find.
* I've also seen questions on the web about BuildApplication and 
bundlebuilder, but I haven't found these programs.

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