[Pythonmac-SIG] Distributing Python applications for the Mac

Konrad Hinsen hinsen at cnrs-orleans.fr
Mon Jan 5 07:44:31 EST 2004

On 05.01.2004, at 13:15, Skip Montanaro wrote:

> As someone else mentioned, many people doing scientific work on Macs 
> already
> use fink.  If you take a look at the list of relevant libraries which 
> have
> been ported (atlas, scipy, scilab, scientificpython <wink>, etc), I 
> think
> you'll see why.
Sure, those are people like me. But many of my users are biologists who 
use computers only for typing. I have a really nice collection of 
support questions. The best among the recent ones was a Windows user 
who I explained that he needed a C compiler to use my libraries. He 
then wrote back asking if he could perhaps "do the compilation by hand" 
instead of installing a compiler, and asked me for instructions for 
manual compilation ;-)

I will certainly put my stuff on fink, but I will also try to make a 
nice bundle.


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