[Pythonmac-SIG] items vs. documents in Safari suite

Donovan Preston dp at ulaluma.com
Mon Feb 2 16:19:48 EST 2004

On Feb 2, 2004, at 2:58 PM, Mark Eichin wrote:

> 4) Is there a trick to figuring out the raw event operations that a
>    given chunk of AppleScript produces?  I can find lots of
>    AppleScript examples, and if I could take something like
>      "repeat with i from 1 to the count of documents"
>    and figure out what it was really doing, it would be a lot easier
>    to come up with python equivalents.  Maybe some kind of AppleEvent
>    tracer, or disassembler?

set the following environment variables in a shell:

AEDebug 1
AEDebugSends 1
AEDebugReceives 1

Adjust to taste depending on what you want to see. Then run the app 
which you expect to be sending and receiving AEs. ScriptEditor or your 
python script using pythonw:

/Applications/AppleScript/Script\ Editor.app/Contents/MacOS/Script\ 


pythonw myscript.py

I used to use Lasso Capture AE on Mac OS 9 to do a similar thing where 
I would trigger some events which did whatever I was trying to do in 
script editor, watch the output, and then try to reproduce it using 
python code. It has been helpful.


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