[Pythonmac-SIG] Wrapping

Robb Brown brownr@ucalgary.ca
Wed May 21 00:04:16 EDT 2003

I sent this message to the VTK mailing list but I thought I was more 
likely to find an expert on how Python imports modules here.  Any help 
would be appreciated.

On Mac OSX using a framework build of Python 2.2.2, and VTK 4.2 I have 
two situations:

I have a set of custom classes I wrote in a vtkLocal type directory and 
the vtkCISG class tree which I'm trying to add Python wrapping to.

I'm having trouble with VTK's Python wrapping.  In my vtkLocal compiled 
with shared libraries I seem to have a maximum of two classes per 
module.  Any more than this and Python will hang (no message) when 
importing.  Two or less and everything works fine.  If I switch to 
static libraries, the problem seems to go away.

vtkCISG on the other hand, shows the same problem (more than two 
classes hangs Python) but switching to static libraries does not solve 
the problem.

Does anyone have any suggestions?  I'm going to try all this on my 
Linux machine at home tonight.

Robb Brown
Seaman Family MR Center
Calgary, AB

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