[Pythonmac-SIG] Silly question? Database server (Mac OS 9 / Mac OS x / PC-Win)

Richard Gordon richard@richardgordon.net
Fri, 7 Dec 2001 19:49:30 -0500

At 2:17 PM -0500 12/7/01, Jim Harrison wrote:
>Gadfly might be an option
>for experimentation or prototyping, but I wouldn't try to build a multi-user
>production system on it.

Me either, Jim. I probably didn't make it very clear, but my 
assumption was that Benjamin wanted to used something in a 
distributed system on a standalone basis, not as multi-user.

> The Lutris Java DB would be an interesting choice
>for pre-OSX Macs if it will run within their Java implementation.

I don't know if it would run on conventional MacOS or not, but it 
isn't free for deployment and thereby failed that preference 

>For pre-OSX Macs, you might also look at dtf/SQL
>(http://www.slab.de/us/home/) and Valentina (commercial,

I like Valentina, but none of this stuff is free for deployment purposes.

>Also in the commercial arena, we used to use Butler, which was distributed
>by Everyware before they got involved in Tango, but I don't know whether
>it's still available. It's probably pretty close to what you want,

Unless they sold the code to somebody else, Butler has been dead for 
a long time now. I also liked it, but again didn't see this as a 
client/server implementation.

> There's probably also a module to allow ODBC/SQL access to
>4th Dimension.

Now you really are talking about some $$$. I tried to get interested 
in 4D and will say that the company is great, but they will nickel & 
dime you to death and members of the developer community charge each 
other for all kinds of stuff that is free for all in an open source 
environment. Aside from that, I've never found ODBC to be very 
satisfactory, but it does open up some possibilities on occasion.

Richard Gordon
Gordon Design
Web Design/Database Development