[Pythonmac-SIG] Silly question? Database server (Mac OS 9 / Mac OS x / PC-Win)

Jim Harrison jhrsn@pitt.edu
Fri, 07 Dec 2001 14:17:44 -0500

on 12/7/01 12:16 PM, Richard Gordon at richard@richardgordon.net wrote:

>> MySQL doesn't seem to have a Mac version, that I could find?
> Not unless something has been made available for OS X.

MacOSX precompiled packages are available for both MySQL and PostGreSQL at
http://www.entropy.ch/software/macosx/. I believe they are also part of the
fink project (see http://fink.sourceforge.net). Gadfly might be an option
for experimentation or prototyping, but I wouldn't try to build a multi-user
production system on it. The Lutris Java DB would be an interesting choice
for pre-OSX Macs if it will run within their Java implementation.

For pre-OSX Macs, you might also look at dtf/SQL
(http://www.slab.de/us/home/) and Valentina (commercial,

Also in the commercial arena, we used to use Butler, which was distributed
by Everyware before they got involved in Tango, but I don't know whether
it's still available. It's probably pretty close to what you want,
unfortunately. There's probably also a module to allow ODBC/SQL access to
4th Dimension.

Jim Harrison
Univ. of Pittsburgh