[Pythonmac-SIG] alias question

Joseph J. Strout joe@strout.net
Fri, 26 Feb 1999 12:45:10 -0800

At 11:58 AM -0800 02-26-99, Chris Walker wrote:

>question is this: is there a way to determine whether or not a file is an
>such that if the alias points to a network volume, the user won't be prompted.

Yep.  I don't use os.path.walk() -- mainly because I didn't know about it
-- but I do the same thing with a FileCrawler class, which lets you define
behavior to take for docs, folders, doc aliases, and folder aliases:

import mac
import macfs
from MACFS import *

class FileCrawler:

	def handleAlias(self, path):
		print "Document alias:", path

	def handleFolderAlias(self, path):
		print "Folder alias:", path

	def handleDocument(self, path, typecode):
		print typecode, "Document:", path

	def handleFolder(self, path):
		print "Folder:", path

	def crawl(self, path):
		files = mac.listdir(path)
		for fname in files:
			if path[-1] == ':': fpath = path + fname
			else: fpath = path + ':' + fname
			spec = macfs.FSSpec(fpath)
				info = spec.GetFInfo()
				# if GetFInfo fails, it must be a folder!
				info = macfs.FInfo()
				info.Type = 'fldr'
			if info.Flags & kIsAlias:
				if info.Type == 'fdrp':

			elif info.Type == 'fldr':
				self.handleDocument(fpath, info.Type)

>Chris Walker
>Pixar Animation Studios

Cool -- are you guys using MacPython at Pixar?

-- Joe
|    Joseph J. Strout           Biocomputing -- The Salk Institute |
|    joe@strout.net             http://www.strout.net              |