[Pythonedu-wg] Thonny - another Python IDE for beginners

Alex Bradbury asb at asbradbury.org
Sun Oct 2 09:28:48 EDT 2016

I saw this posted on Reddit: http://thonny.cs.ut.ee/

The project has been around for a while, but has just had its 2.0
release. I don't think it's been mentioned before on this list, so
thought I'd share. I've CCed the author (Aivar - I hope you don't
mind, I thought you might be interested in the discussion).

We've had some previous discussion on this list about Mu
<https://github.com/mu-editor/mu> from Nicholas Tollervey and
collaborators. Thonny seems clearly aimed at a different design point
- Mu heavily optimises for completely zero-friction interaction while
hiding complexity for beginners. Thonny makes efforts to introduce
more advanced features such as debugging in an easy to use way. I also
like the support for step-through expression evaluation.



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