[Pythonedu-wg] Opening up MicroPython on the BBC micro:bit

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Tue Oct 20 09:58:53 CEST 2015

Hi Folks,

Many apologies for cross posting.

Here's some good news - we've finally been given permission to
open-source our work on the BBC micro:bit
(http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/mediapacks/microbit) and be a bit more
vocal and public about what we're doing. Put simply, around 1 million of
these devices will be given to the UK's 11yo in the spring. They are all
capable of running Python. If you think the following is of interest,
please spread the word! It'd be great to see the wider Python community
get involved in this.

Damien George (creator of MicroPython) announced it here:


I've written up a "story so far" blog post, for those of you who need
some context, here:


The actual source code can be found here:


I'm more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

Best wishes,


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