[Python.NET] Who is using Python for .NET?

Brandon J. Van Every vanevery at indiegamedesign.com
Fri Dec 19 06:14:41 EST 2003

Martin Kretschmar wrote:
> Did you ever have a look at SWIG (http://www.swig.org)?:

I didn't.  Everything I read in the Python archives said Boost had far
better C++ support.  I never did ask anyone about it though.  Does SWIG
have any advantages of simplicity over Boost?  I want KISS, not
complicated wrappers like Boost makes me deal with.

Cheers,                         www.indiegamedesign.com
Brandon Van Every               Seattle, WA

20% of the world is real.
80% is gobbledygook we make up inside our own heads.

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