[PythonCE] pygame / distutils

Jared Forsyth jabapyth at gmail.com
Sat Jul 26 23:10:54 CEST 2008

For compilation have you tried CeGCC? (http://cegcc.sourceforge.net/)

Adam Walley wrote:
> Christopher and Jared,
> Thank you for your comments. Christopher would you agree about the 
> sluggishness once pygame is running on a PDA? I suppose I am not too 
> bothered at the moment. For my purposes just being able to access 
> audio and drawing to screen would be fine - though I'm sure sooner or 
> later speed will be needed too.
> One additional obstacle I face is some extra fiddling to get the 
> compiling done on PellesC (I do not own VS and I believe the free 
> version does not support WinCE compilation).
> Anyhow, I will attempt to get something working, and if it gives 
> respectable results I will report back.
> Thanks again for your input.
> Adam
> On 26/07/2008, *Christopher Fairbairn* <christopher at christec.co.nz 
> <mailto:christopher at christec.co.nz>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     On Sat 26/07/08 05:13 , "Adam Walley" adam.walley at gmail.com
>     <mailto:adam.walley at gmail.com> sent:
>     > - is there already a way to get distutils working with PythonCE?
>     There has been recent discussions about this, but at current I
>     don't bieleve there is anything available.
>     With respect to SDL and pygame it should be fairly easy to get the
>     various python modules compiled. There have been a couple of
>     releases built for PythonCE in the past and I've personally
>     compiled from source a couple of times.
>     The SDL project has an additional ZIP file that contains Windows
>     CE (Pocket PC) compatible project files that will allow you to
>     build a suitable dll.
>     If you look at the distutils based installation files for the
>     pygame distribution you can determine which source files need to be
>     compiled into the various python modules (*.pyd). What I did was
>     then manually create project files for Visual Studio to build
>     these DLLs (you will need a source release of PythonCE itself for
>     this, as to build a module you will require the python header
>     files).
>     Once I had all the pygame dlls compiled it was then simply a
>     matter of copying them to the correct folder on the PDA. There was no
>     registry settings etc involved.
>     One thing to keep in mind is that some of the sample apps within
>     the Pygame distribution won't work on a PDA without minor
>     modifications. For example they commonly request a window size
>     which is larger than the PDA's screen, and don't account for the
>     lack of current working directory support when specifying file
>     names for bitmap resources etc.
>     Hope this helps,
>     Christopher Fairbairn
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