[PythonCE] final closure

Guido Wesdorp mailings at johnnydebris.net
Wed Nov 19 08:10:09 EST 2003

Jeff Bauer wrote:

> A couple years ago I was contacted by a Microsoft representative.
> He appeared to be keen on promoting Python as a development
> tool in the CE environment.  Once he learned that Python was
> "Open Source" I never heard from him again.

<Some giggles on my side ;) >

> Finally, I'd like to step down as administrator of the pythonce
> mailing list.  The list is hosted by python.org.  The software
> is Barry Warsaw's MailMan and is incredibly trivial to administer.
> If you aren't a CE developer and would like to contribute some
> minimal effort, this would be a good way to get involved.

My knowledge of MailMan isn't huge or anything, but isn't it just a 
matter of reviewing postings that are held back for some reason 
(moderator tasks)? Is there anything else to administer? If not I 
wouldn't mind doing it...



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