[PythonCE] PythonCE

Michael Foord Michael.Foord@tbsmerchants.co.uk
Fri, 11 Jul 2003 21:23:15 +0100

I'm new to this list and it doesn't seem over-active. Perhaps that's a 
good thing.

Is this list distinct from the Python for PocketPC project ?
If not - is that project still alive ?

I am learning python and coding *on* my PDA....... then testing on my 
desktop. I currently only have an SH3 Jornada 525 (and lovely it is too) 
- but will soon be upgrading to a DELL Axim - and so hopefully will be 
able to develop scripts that I can run on the PDA... providing both an 
IDE on the PDA and scripts for use on the PDA.



Michael Foord 
Sales Daventry Depot
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Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow talent
 to the dark place where it leads. -Erica Jong
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having sense enough to be lazy.
         -Milan Kundera


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